Monday, September 21, 2009

Welcome First year students

A warm welcome to all the student from the first year...After 8 years working here as a librarian I can tell you only one thing: GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!

Raspored za casovi na Katedra PiT 2009/2010

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

An introduction to machine translation

For all of those who had an opportunity to attend my 2 hour lecture on Visualization of Information on Monday, 12.05.2008 at the Library of the Department for Translation and Interpretation here are some of the links that I have promised:
An introduction to machine translation
Metasearch engines:
Terminology Databases in Various Languages

Monday, April 14, 2008

Geoffrey Samuelsson-Brown, "Managing Translation Services"
Multilingual Matters Limited (September 30, 2006) | ISBN:1853599131 | 162 pages | PDF | 1,3 Mb

The book is a sequel to the best-selling "A Practical Guide for Translators" and considers the issues encountered when making the transition from working as a sole freelance translator to developing and managing a translation company.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Raspored na casovi 2007/2008

I am dedicating this part of Rage Against The Machine lyrics to the new students:

The teacher stands in front of the class
But the lesson plan he can't recall
The student's eyes don't perceive the lies
Bouncing off every fucking wall
His composure is well kept
I guess he fears playing the fool
The complacent students sit and listen to some of that
Bullshit that he learned in school

Europe ain't my rope to swing on
Can't learn a thing from it
Yet we hang from it
Gotta get it, gotta get it together then
Like the motherfuckin' weathermen
To expose and close the doors on those who try
To strangle and mangle the truth
'Cause the circle of hatred continues unless we react
We gotta take the power back ...

Fist in the air in the land of hypocrisy!

Rasporedot moze da go simnete ovde!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

promena na termin na ispit

Prepis na soopstenie:

"Teorija na preveduvanje i tolkuvanje II
se premestuva za 06.09.2007 vo 09.00 casot.

Ke se odrzi vo Laboratorija 3

Od predmetniot nastavnik"

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Raspored na ispiti za Septemvriska sesija 2007

Najnova verzija na rasporedot moze da najdete ovde

Good luck with your exams!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Sunday, May 06, 2007

On-line recnik

Ne e kojznae sto ama vredi da se pogledne
imajki vo predvid deka e na makedonski jazik

i uste eden sajt za stipendii (mi se vide skroz OK)

Anketata popolnete ja...Napravete nesto korisno za sebe!
Dajte glas deka ste zadovolni od studiite...ili tivko pomirete
se so uslovite koi vi se nudat pri studiranjeto...

It's up to you...vidi podolu...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

On-Line survey about the Katedra PiT

Ni 5 ni 6 tuku anketa za toa kolku ste zadovolni od ona sto (ne) go ucite, ona sto bi smenile, ona sto ve maci i najinteresnoto: profesori na ispit kaj Vas?

Koj ke odolee na ova ruka mu davam...

Click here to take survey

Who else...Look at the picture on the right

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Concise German Grammar

You can download the grammar at

Please have in mind that the file will be automaticaly deleted after 30 days of inactivity.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Directory of Open Access Journals

Welcome to the Directory of Open Access Journals. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. There are now 2517 journals in the directory. Currently 749 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 124604 articles are included in the DOAJ service.

Merry New Year!!! (Eddie Murphy)

Enjoy the free information posted on my blog and send me some interesting links if you want them to be posted here.

Dimitar Poposki

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Medical eBooks

Welcome to my over 900 e-books database

Sunday, November 26, 2006



Dim itar

Friday, November 10, 2006


Eve nesto i za Malata Ana i za Maliot Prijatel...Mala Pomos od mene...


Vik Glikova

Fala Vik!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Scholarships in USA!!!

Check this site for Scholarships in USA!!!

Visual Dictionaries

«MacMillan Visual Dictionary», 7Volume Set
Webster's New World | ISBN: 0025281607 | October 1992 | 864 Pages | 109 Mb

Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law

Shae Irving (Editor), et al,
"Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law:
Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions" (4th edition) | ISBN 087337830X | 2002 Year | PDF | 2,83 Mb | 480 Pages

Download the file by clicking here

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Translators & translation agencies

You can find the Translators & translation agencies here


Poposki Dimitar

Monday, October 02, 2006

Нова книга на Драги Михајловски


Конечно од печат излезе најновата книга на Драги Михајловски "Мојот Скендербеј" - Тринаесет современи наративни напаѓања на оваа мошне малтретирана тема од гледна точка на едно непристрасно македонско перо со одбрана библиографија и заклучок.

Книгата може да се најде во книжарниците на Табернакул и Матица Македонска по цена од 450 денари. Доколку сакате да ја купите директно од авторот по драстично пониска цена обратете се во библиотеката на Катедрата за преведување и толкување.

На Драги му посакувам уште многу издадени книги и топло Ви ја препорачувам книгата.

Сајтот на издавачката куќа на Драги Михајловски каде може да добиете повеќе информации за овој литературен труд...

p.s. Драги (мои), читајќи ја книгата деновиве, ме погоди една реченица и ме натера да Ви ја пренесам во целост:

"Нема ништо потешко од лагата и лицемерието,
од онаа грда двообразност што го одродува човекот и го прави изрод"

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Почеток на школска година 2006/2007

Почитувани студенти /тки,

По повод почетокот на Новата учебна година би сакал да Ви посакам успех во студиите и да објавам новости (ако може така да се наречат) на Катедрата ПиТ

1. Распоредот како и минатата година ќе биде ставен на блогот за достапен за download.

2. Проф. Лилјана Митковска не е повеќе вработена на Катедрата за ПиТ. Иако знам дека многу мислења околу неа беа поделени, само ќе напоменам дека нејзиното заминување ќе остави огромна празнина во знаењата на идните студенти по Англиски јазик на Катедрата.
Лично, би сакам да и се заблагодарам за високата професионалност со која ги извршуваше своите задачи и за високиот професионален однос со мене (вистинска реткост на ПиТ!!!).
Многу успех во понатамошната професионална кариера и уште многу незадоволни мрзливи студенти кои ќе имаат можност да научат многу од оваа ретко студиозна професорка.
We miss you very much (Dimitar:(
but please dont come back (студенти:)

3. Посетувајте го почесто блогот оваа година зошто веќе има нови работи кои досега ги немаше. Најбитно од се ми се чини дека ќе бидат линковите за стипендии кои годинава ќе бидат постирани истиот ден кога се добиени информациите. Терминолошките речници и енциклопедии нема да изостанат.

4. Оставете коментар ако сте задоволни. Блогот на ден 01.10.2006 има 990 посети (наскоро 1000) и само 5 коментари што доволно зборува за неговата актуелност и важност а премалку за негова идна содржина и работите кои се од Ваш интерес. Напишете што сакате да има за download на блогот, кои стипендии или речници Ве интересираат. Работата на блогот не зависи само од мене, туку и од корисниците кои имаат потреба од него.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

DAAD Stipendii za site!!!!

Application address
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Cultural Section
59, Ul. Lerinska
1000 Skopje

* The preselections will take place in the 48 calendar week in Skopje. Invitations for interviews will be submitted by e-mail or telephone two weeks in advance.
* Applications from the fields of architecture, fine arts, music as well as drama, direction, dance and choreography, have to be received by DAAD in Bonn, Dept. 324, latest on 15 November each year (date as per receipt stamp).

Further information and advice
Judit Peltz
Marta Bojkovska
Arhimedova 5
P. Box: 162
1000 Skopje
Tel.: +389-23 06 50 69

Benjamin Langer
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje
Chair of German Language and Literature
Bul. "Krste Misirkov" bb
1000 Skopje

Sunday, September 17, 2006

On-line English-Croatian dictionary

Блог на катедрата за преведување и толкување при Филолошкиот фалкутет во Скопје

Dragi kolegi/koleski i kompjuterski polupismeni profesori...

Katedrata Pit dobi blog na koj ke mozete da najdete razni aktuelnosti 

okolu nasata zaednicka zooloska gradina na UKIM.

Vo nadez deka ke ucestvuvate aktivno vo sodrzinata na istiot Vi preporacuvam da go posetite.

The one and only za vas..

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP)

The Government of the United States of America is pleased to announce the that the open competition for the Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP) for the 2007 spring semester will be announced very soon. The JFDP is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State (ECA). American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS, an American non-profit, nongovernmental organization, receives a grant from ECA to administer the JFDP, and oversee each participant's successful completion of the program. The United States Congress annually appropriates funds to finance the JFDP, and authorizes the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to oversee these funds.

If you are a citizen of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or a resident of
Kosovo, and are teaching full-time in an institution of higher education in your home country, have at least two years of university-level teaching experience, and are highly proficient in English, American
Councils invites you to learn more about the program and apply.


The Junior Faculty Development Program provides university instructors with a semester-long opportunity to expand their knowledge and expertise in their academic field by attending classes and working with faculty members at universities in the United States. Individuals may apply for
fields in the humanities and social sciences.

To qualify for a JFDP Fellowship, an applicant must:

* hold a university degree;

* be currently teaching at an institution of higher education;

* have at least two years of teaching experience at an institution of higher education

* have a mastery of the English language.

The primary and distinct goal of the JFDP is to provide university instructors from the places listed above with training in their academic fields. Participants in the JFDP are also encouraged to forge
relationships between U.S. universities and their home universities, in order to support ongoing contact and collaboration. JFDP Fellows work closely with faculty mentors from host universities in the United States to develop their knowledge in their fields of study, to gather new academic materials and resources, to garner new educational perspectives, and to enlighten U.S. faculty and students on education and life in their home countries. Throughout their stay in the United States, JFDP Fellows observe and listen to courses, attend academic conferences, and may be invited to teach or co-teach classes at a U.S. university. Fellows do not earn academic degrees, credits or transcripts through the JFDP, and must return to their home countries after completing the program.

Each JFDP Fellow will spend a total of five (5) months (January-May 2007) in the United States. American Councils is responsible for placing Fellows at U.S. host universities and for providing logistical support for the Fellows throughout their stay in the United States. The JFDP Fellowship provides round-trip international and domestic transportation, medical insurance, monthly stipends, and a professional
development fund. In addition, ECA and American Councils sponsor events and activities for JFDP alumni after they return to their home countries.

Additional information, including the 2006-2007 calendar, academic field descriptions, a list of frequently asked questions, and information about past program participants and host institutions can be found atthe JFDP website:


In anticipation of the 2006-2007 recruitment season, JFDP applications may now be downloaded as a print version or submitted online at the JFDP website . The downloaded print version of the application must be submitted to the American Councils representative office in the
applicant's country of citizenship by the noted deadline to be eligible for the competition. Online applications must be submitted at the JFDP website by the noted deadline, and printed supporting materials for the online application must also be submitted to the American Councils representative office in the applicant's country of citizenship by the noted deadline to be eligible for the
competition. For questions about the program or application process, write to or contact your local American Councils representative office to speak with someone about this exciting educational opportunity. Find your local American Councils representative office here: . Official recruitment for JFDP is scheduled to begin late July 2006. At that time printed applications will be available at American Councils offices in
participating countries.

Application Deadline: 25 September, 2006

Dr. Oliver Janevski, DVM
Hub Coordinator
American Councils for International Education
Hristo Smirnenski 54/1-1, Skopje Macedonia
tel/fax: +389 2 32 46 758; +389 70 762 555

Thursday, June 22, 2006


КОРИСНИЧКИ ПРИРАЧНИК za WordFast mozete da go downloadirate na

Dokolku imate bilo kakvi prasanja, ostavete komentar...


Poposki Dimitar

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowships Program 2007-08

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowships Program 2007-08

The Embassy of the United States of America in Skopje is pleased to announce the annual competition for application for admission to the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 2007-08 for mid-career professional development in the United States.

Deadline: August 1, 2006

Monday, June 12, 2006

Larousse Unabridged Dictionary

This is a a usefull French/English, English/French Dictionary.
It's only 22.8 Mo and very fast one.
No need for crack.


Dimitar Poposki


This is a very good book of Idioms.

Idioms spice up your language and get u a recognisation of versatile genious.

After memorising 300 hi frequency words of Barrons also you may not be confident in english because vocabulary solely can not build up a language and idioms are 2 be added to the dictionary of you mind.

If u r a beginner this is a very good tutor for u
If u r native american(english) also this helps u a lot for the correct usage of idioms.


Dimitar Poposki

GALE "Dictionary of American History" 10 volumes

Over 4,400 A-Z articles, ranging in length from 100 to 8,000 words
Approximately 1,500 illustrations
Approximately 300 maps

Stanley I. Kutler, Editor in Chief
• 3rd Ed. About 5,500 pp. in 10 vols.
• Ready December 2002
• ISBN 0-684-80533-2. MML01402-169680

more info:

table of contents:


Please leave a comment if you like the Dictionary.

Thank you!

Poposki Dimitar

The Oxford Picture Dictionary

This interactive, multimedia CD-ROM brings the words and illustrations of The Oxford Picture Dictionary to life with sound and animation. Its rich assortment of games, exercises, and activities makes it flexible for use in conjunction with the Dictionary or on its own. Thematic content corresponds to secondary and adult curricula, with a strong job-skills strand. It can be used in classrooms, in language labs, or at home, and it can be easily adapted to individual, pair, or small group work.


Babylon Pro 6.0

Babylon 6, an easy and intuitive translation and dictionary software in over 50 languages. With Babylon 6, text translation has never been easier, no more "copy/paste" or unnecessary browser windows. Just click on any text in Word, Excel, emails, instant messaging, web pages and other desktop applications.

Free download at:

Some hacking knowledge will be valuable after you install the software.


Poposki Dimitar


Free download link

Full text search and viewer free download of WinDjView 0.4.1 at

Plug-in download at

Feel free to add any comment if you need some extra terminology dictionaries.


Best regards,

Poposki Dimitar

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Microsoft Computer Dictionary,_Fifth_Edition.chm.html

I know that Microsoft sucks, but this is an excellent dictionary…USE LINUX!

Best regards

Poposki Dimitar
OCR Specialist for Rare Books and Special Collections


Monday, March 27, 2006

Dictionary of pure and applied physics

Gorenavedeniot recnik e vo DJVu format i dokolku sakate da go downloadirate i koristite ke vi bide potreben programot WinDjView 0.4.1 (ne e potrebna nikakva instalacija i programot e samo pola MB!) koj moze da go simnete na

Dokolku sakate recnikot das go integrirate vo Web browser (Mozzila, Opera, Netscape) vo toj slucaj ke vi treba instalacija na DJVu plug-in koj mozete da go simnete na

Poposki Dimitar
OCR Specialist for Rare Books and Special Collections

US Department of State Alumni
Junior Faculty Development Program

Vasil Djorgov 28/16
1000 Skopje

Work: +389 2 3116100/ext.208
Home: +389 2 3230604
Mobile: +389 75 855540

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Dictionnaires et encyclopédies en langue française sur internet


Vo nekolku navrati od vasa strana mi bese posoceno deka nema francuski recnici na blogot. URL-ot e edinstvenoto nesto sto ke bide istaknato na francuski jazik od moja strana. Dokolku imate francuski terminoloski recnici, ostavete komentar na postov.


Poposki Dimitar
OCR Specialist for Rare Books and Special Collections

US Department of State Alumni
Junior Faculty Development Program

Vasil Djorgov 28/16
1000 Skopje

Work: +389 2 3116100/ext.208
Home: +389 2 3230604
Mobile: +389 75 855540

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Encyclopedia Of Modern US Military Weapons

Encyclopedia Of Science And Religion

Vo ramkite na blogot za terminologija Vi ja stavam na raspolaganje Encyclopedia Of Science And Religion na 1070 strani so full text search.

Samo sakam da Vi napomenam deka knigite se dostapni za downloadiranje besplatno i od Vas zavisi dali blogot ke opstoi. Dokolku od bilo koi pricini koja bilo kniga ne bide downloadirana vo period od 30 dena - avtomatski ke bide izbrisana od serverot od tehnicki pricini:

(How does it work? MyShareFile is a dedicated file hosting service. Upload your files, download link will be sent out automatically to the email provided. Share and access your files across the web. Store your important backup data files with us so you don't lose them. Files will be deleted after 30 days of inactivity.

© MyShareFile 2006).

Dopolnitelno uploadiranje na knigite, snimanje na CD ili USB nema da se sluci od pricini koi se poveke od nepotrebni za objasnuvanje.

E-books feed your mind...

So pocit,

Poposki Dimitar
OCR Specialist for Rare Books and Special Collections

US Department of State Alumni
Junior Faculty Development Program

Vasil Djorgov 28/16
1000 Skopje

Work: +389 2 3116100/ext.208
Home: +389 2 3230604
Mobile: +389 75 855540

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics

Po povod prvata e-mail lista na studenti od Katedrata PiT, bibliotekarot so ogromno zadovolstvo uploadira Terminoloski ilustriran recnik za elektronikata so full text search vo PDF format.

Recnikot moze da go simnete na

Dokolku imate slicni recnici vo PDF uploadirajte gi na ili i ostavete komentar na blogot.

Iako e nepotrebno, sepak ke napomenam deka za da go koristite recnikot ke vi bide potreben Acrobat Reader koj mozete da go simnete besplatno na sajtot na Adobe.

Poposki Dimitar
OCR Specialist for Rare Books and Special Collections

US Department of State Alumni
Junior Faculty Development Program

Monday, February 13, 2006